Thousands of Pensioners May Be Eligible for DWP Refund

If you or a loved one have claimed child benefits between 1978 and 2000, you may be one of the many who have been underpaid their state pension due to errors in National Insurance credits ...

This mistake occurred because of incorrect state pension payments being made to individuals who were claiming child benefits during that time period. These credits, known as Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP) credits until 2010, were not transferred correctly, resulting in thousands of people in their 60s and 70s being owed thousands of pounds.

"But how did this error happen in the first place?"

When applying for these credits, many individuals left their National Insurance number off the form. This may seem like a small mistake, but it has had a big impact on pensioners who are now eligible for their state pension.

Out of the estimated 210,000 people affected by this error, 60,000 have already passed away. This means that their families may be entitled to claim the money owed to them. However, the responsibility falls on the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to correct these mistakes and ensure that the rightful recipients receive their state pension in full.

In response to this issue, the DWP has set up a dedicated team and allocated significant resources to address these errors as quickly as possible. They have also started contacting those affected by this issue, with letters being sent out in late 2023. The DWP estimates that there could be around 187,000 cases with an underpayment of state pension, with a total of £1,043 million owed.

If you're wondering if you or a loved one may be owed a state pension refund, you're not alone. The pensions minister for DWP, Paul Maynard, raised this issue with Dame Angela Eagle on 23 April, and an update on the progress of correcting these errors is expected to be published in this year's annual report!

So, what should you do if you think you may be eligible for a DWP refund? The first step is to check if you or your loved one have claimed child benefits between 1978 and 2000. If so, you can contact the DWP to enquire about the status of your National Insurance credits.

"It's important to have your National Insurance number on hand when making this inquiry!"

If you or a loved one have claimed child benefits between 1978 and 2000, you may be one of the thousands of pensioners who have been underpaid their state pension. The DWP is taking action to correct these errors, but it's important to check if you're entitled to a refund.

Don't miss out on your rightful state pension. Contact the DWP today to find out more.

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